Destiny M. Carter is here

to cater to your visual needs.

“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.”

The first time I picked up a disposable camera, I knew I wanted to become a photographer one day. I had no clue what I was doing but I had a plan. Fast forward to 2018. I was a junior at Old Dominion University and I earned a job as a Public Relations Associate. The position required knowledge of photography. I had never done any real photography but I knew that this job could help me gain some experience, so I took it. Little did I know that this job would become to reason why I eventually became a published photographer. 
With almost three years of professional photography experience, I truly fell in love with photography while working that job and have been hooked ever since. I love everything about photography, but what really draws me to it is the way it is able to reach the masses, break norms and tell a story. Photography is the ability to capture moments that can be relived whenever you look at the photo. Eventually, photos will be the only memories you have left. This is why photography is so important. Allow me to capture the special moments in your life and help you create memories that last a lifetime.